How to Launch an Online Personal Trainer Business?

If you have a passion for fitness and an entrepreneurial spirit, an online personal trainer business may be the perfect career move. We’ll show you how.

Jobs in personal training and fitness instruction will increase by 10% between 2016 and 2026, faster than the average expansion for all occupations. Many people have trouble reaching the recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day. The motivation and instruction of a personal trainer helps to keep them focused and working.

A new development is the online personal trainer or coach. Available whenever and wherever a client needs them, the online personal trainer fills a specific niche. You have the passion for fitness and an entrepreneurial spirit, is a this a career for you?

The education and training required for personal trainers vary by type of specialty, and certification is handled by several competing authorities.

Let us show you how to become an online personal trainer. Read on for more.

What Does a Personal Trainer Do?

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9 Reasons to Become a Fitness Instructor

Are you thinking about getting your personal training certificate? Don’t miss out on 10 reasons why you should become a fitness instructor. Click here.

Do you love your time at the gym? Maybe you can’t imagine going a week without visiting your favorite workout spot a few times.

Perhaps as you’re on your last rep, really feeling the burn, you think, ‘I love this. I wish I could get paid to do this’.

Believe it or not, you can!
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9 Ways to Crush the Competition With Your Personal Training Business

Get Ahead in the Personal Training Business

Personal training is a rewarding career that allows you to bring out the best in people. Check out these tips to jumpstart a personal training business.


You go into the personal training business because you love helping people get and stay fit.

But it’s important to realize that to be successful in any business, you must wear lots of hats. To crush the competition, you need to know how to develop a plan, brand yourself, build client relationships and position yourself in the industry.
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