How to Use a Coding Test for Recruitment

Want to hire only the best programmers for your project? Then it’s time to make an online coding test a part of your recruitment strategy. Here’s how you do it!

When you’re recruiting programmers and developers to join your team, it makes sense that you only want to deal with the cream of the crop. The best programmers are the ones who will be able to handle your business’ workload without any problem, so you may want to


The best programmers are the ones who will be able to handle your business’ workload without any problem, so you may want to implement a coding test into the recruiting process.

A coding test is pretty self-explanatory: it’s a test that gauges a candidate’s coding skills. There are a few different ways you can implement this into your process, but two of the easiest are in the screening process and in the interview process.

Why implement one? By taking a test, your candidate won’t be able to hide from the requirements of the job under a lot of fancy talking or a buffed-up resume. You’ll know what they’re capable of instantly, and you’ll know whether or not they’re a good lead to pursue.
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