Everything You Need to Know about Certification for Six Sigma

Learn the six sigma way and take the certification for six sigma. If you’re a project manager, or a business owner, being certified will make you a success.

Have you ever been frustrated by a project that started with lots of wasted time before the work was on track? Honestly, who hasn’t?

If you want to eliminate slow starts and solve practical problems you should consider certification for Six Sigma.

Six Sigma is a management philosophy. It focuses on eliminating unnecessary time and resource expenses. The goal is to create a streamlined process that produces better project results.

Keep reading to learn how to solve practical problems and embrace continuous improvement.

What is Six Sigma?

It’s a method of management that uses data to get rid of defects in any process. A process that produces errors no more than 3.4 times per million has achieved Six Sigma. Errors refer to any flaw or defect that doesn’t match the customer’s specifications.

To achieve these exceptional standards, Six Sigma uses two methodologies.


This acronym stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.

  • Define. Determine the specific processes to examine.
  • Measure. Use data and metrics to track efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Analyze. Use critical thinking to study data and define goals.
  • Improve. Change processes to create improvement in order to reach goals.
  • Control. Establish a plan of check-ins and adjustments for continuous production improvements.

The method is used for existing processes. It’s applied most often to the manufacturing and production of a product or service.


The DMADV method is used on new processes. It stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify. These often are used to examine and improve customer relations.

  • Define. Look at customer needs related to the product and/or service.
  • Measure. Use electronic data collection to determine customer needs, responses, or reviews.
  • Analyze. Use metrics to evaluate areas for improvement so the product or service meets a client needs and desires.
  • Design. Streamline business processes in the best way to match client needs.
  • Verify. Establish a way to test that improvements continue to meet customer specifications.

Six Sigma uses the DMAIC and DMADV methodology to implement quality in many industries by reducing defects.

Certification for Six Sigma Improves Business

Using Six Sigma in a business can turn your employees into problem solvers. The result is improved processes and results. The advantages of certification for Six Sigma are applicable to any type of company.

Here are the top six benefits of implementing Six Sigma:

1. Motivated Employees

Every successful business needs motivated employees.

Employers who empower staff with Six Sigma problem-solving tools see increased productivity. Employees can develop their skills. This creates a work environment centered on improved processes and products.

Each employee sees and feels the positive results of their actions. The result is continued motivation.

Encouraging employees to seek certification for Six Sigma is another way a company can show it’s invested in employees’ careers.

A Six Sigma program that incorporates motivation at all phases of production creates passionate teams. That motivation pays off in better products and processes.

2. Improved Employee Time Management

You can help your employees manage their time with a Six Sigma methodology at your company. Better employee time management results in an efficient business, and more productive staff.

Six Sigma asks users to set SMART goals, and then apply data principles to the goals. You do this by examining the areas of learning, performance, and fulfillment.

A good example in the learning area is to consider interruptions. How often do interruptions take you away from your work? How many interruptions truly need your attention?

How about performance? Can you identify how certain practices help you reach professional goals? If not, create an action plan and track progress. When you can see the path to career success, it improves motivation and job happiness.

3. Reduced Project Cycle Time

Most projects go over the original deadline and budget due to changes in the project scope. Sometimes a change in management policy causes delays.

Six Sigma assembles a team of experienced employees from all levels in the company. Every functional department is represented. Then, as a team, they identify each factor that can affect the project.

By identifying negative factors early, potential problems can be recognized and resolved. Anticipating problems and finding solutions at the start leads to shorter projects. Businesses stay on schedule or reduce the project time.

4. Strategic Vision and Planning

Six Sigma plays an important role in business strategy. It can help any company focus on the areas that need improvement. Six Sigma methodology offers guidelines and goals to improve business processes. It uses data collection and statistical tools.

If you want to offer the lowest prices in your market, use Six Sigma methods to streamline production, cut waste, and increase yields. It can improve employee motivation for increased productivity, and maintain lower supplier costs.

Six Sigma can help any company reach its goals by providing a solid strategy of analysis and implementation.

5. Supply Chain Management

As mentioned earlier, reducing defects is essential for improved business. Supply chain management is an important part of the process. Suppliers play a major role in decreased defects.

One way to reduce the risk of defects in a product or service is to reduce the number of suppliers. Fewer suppliers mean fewer variables. Stay on top of any changes a supplier is planning.

For example, a machinery change could affect output or quality. It could lead to delivery delays or lowered standards for your business. The best idea is to incorporate Six Sigma improvements as far along your supply chain as you can.

Remember, defects refer to any aspect of the product or service that doesn’t meet a customer’s expectations.

6. Improved Customer Loyalty

The bottom line is you want satisfied customers. If they aren’t happy with your product or service, clients will buy elsewhere.

Customer loyalty and retention leads to success. Give your customers the experience they want. Often customers won’t tell you about a bad experience or poor customer service. Instead, they take their business somewhere else.

Certification for Six Sigma reduces dissatisfied customers. Once employees are trained they will be empowered to handle a multitude of customer situations. The result is a better experience for your client, which increases customer loyalty.

Six Sigma analysis will highlight areas for improvement. An in-depth study of customer profiles, desires, and expectations will prepare your staff to provide the very things your customers deem valuable.

Six Sigma Solves Practical Problems

If you want to solve practical problems and improve add certification for Six Sigma to your toolbox. The training behind certification provides a new perspective on processes.

You’ll gain valuable approaches and techniques. You can use them for measurement and improvement in any business or industry. The tools let professionals focus on development and delivery of perfect products and services.

Six Sigma’s problem-solving tools, advanced analytics, and statistics improve quality. Yet, a successful Six Sigma project depends on the people involved.

Six Sigma Belt Ranking System

If you want to earn a certification, the best place to start is by learning about Six Sigma’s belt ranking system.

The belt levels are like the belt rankings in the martial arts. The belts are titles awarded based on skill level, experience, knowledge, and training.

The white belt is for beginners who want to start learning about Six Sigma methods. A white belt may assist project teams with organizing.

The yellow belt is a professional who has a basic understanding after 10-15 hours of training. A yellow belt creates process maps and contributes to data gathering.

Participation in a Six Sigma project is required for a green belt. Green belts identify and implement improvements by helping teams gather and analyze data.

black belt manages multiple teams of green, yellow, and white belts. A black belt has mastered process improvement and statistical analysis techniques. Black belts teach Six Sigma principles to project teams and leadership.

ExpertRating offers the Master Black Belt and Lean Management certification for Six Sigma.

Enroll Today to Gain Six Sigma Skills

People with certification for Six Sigma are wanted in every industry. There is an especially high demand for Banking, Logistics, Manufacturing, and Retail companies.

Six Sigma improves business expansion, customer service processes. It’s also valuable in human resources, marketing, and sales.

If you want to learn how the powerful Six Sigma methodologies can impact your business, consider furthering your education with a certification for Six Sigma.

Contact ExpertRating.com to learn how Six Sigma can help you achieve specific organizational and fiscal goals.

Our online courses provide a green belt, black belt, and master black belt certification for Six Sigma. We also offer Lean Management certification.

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