Typical Salary of Personal Trainers

The Sizable Salary of Personal Fitness Professionals

Thinking of starting a career in personal fitness but unsure of what your salary might be? Click here for a comprehensive look at a trainers typical income.

You love working out. You love getting into shape, feeling the burn in your muscles as you go that extra mile and you might even love sweating. When you feel passionate about something, it’s probably a smart idea to think about making it your career.

But if you’re going to go through all the training, the education, and expense you want to make sure you can actually earn a living at it. After all, living the dream includes being able to easily afford to buy what you want and need.

So let’s take a closer look at the sizable salary of personal fitness trainers. Then you decide if you want to make it your full-time career or keep it a hobby.

How to Become a Personal Fitness Coach
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What is a Life Coach’s Salary? What Are Some Other Benefits?

(#) Benefits of Becoming a Life Coach

Becoming a life coach can open many doors for burgeoning entrepreneurs. Click here to learn how this career can net you a high salary and personal satisfaction.

Do you have a desire to help people succeed and get the most out of life? Do you find yourself drawn to giving career advice or finding ways for the people around you to reach their goals?

If so, life coaching might be the ideal field for you.

If you’ve ever wondered about becoming a life coach, now is an excellent time to learn more about the job, the benefits it has to offer, and what you can expect to make.

Industry research reveals that life coaching is a $1 billion industry, with an annual growth rate of 4.7% from 2012 to 2017. As such, there’s never been a better time to join this thriving market.

Today, we’re taking a deeper look at life coaching, breaking down how it can change your life — and the lives of others — for the better.

Interested in learning more? Let’s get started!

What is Life Coaching? A Quick Overview
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Examining the Recent Rise of Yoga Certifications

Due to flexible working hours and valuable earning potential, yoga certifications have greatly increased. Click here for an in-depth examination of this trend.

More and more people are getting their yoga certifications.

According to Yoga Alliance Registry, for every couple of thousand people who enroll, only about two or so actually become teachers.

So why is it that so many people of all ages and backgrounds want to pursue a yoga certification?

Why is it that not everyone enrolled in teacher training is using it as a step forward in their prospective yoga careers?

Read on to find out these answers. Plus the hidden benefits and downfalls with a yoga certification.

But first, what is yoga? And how did it become so popular in the first place?

Yoga Defined and Demystified
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The Professional Benefits of a Six Sigma Certification

In today’s workplace, a six sigma certification has never been more important in terms of making consistent, quality improvements. Click here to learn how.


If you want to be competitive in the modern workplace, a Six Sigma Certification is helpful. This will let you make the kind of high-quality, ongoing improvements you need to stay at the cutting edge of your job.

It seems everyone has a college degree these days. Continuing education is what you need to stand out from the crowd. If you want to be in line for the best jobs and command the best pay, your resume should show that you are working to stay up to date on the latest job training.

A Six Sigma Certification is a great way to do that. It works whether you’re a recent grad or a professional with a decade of experience. In fact, some industries, such as health care, often shape their organizations around a Six Sigma framework. This makes this training almost necessary for professionals in those fields.

In some careers, job descriptions will actually list a Six Sigma Certification as a requirement. Whether that’s your field or not, don’t miss out on opportunities by missing this chance for professional development.

With this certification, you’ll stay competitive even in today’s challenging job market.

What is a Six Sigma Certification?
Continue reading “The Professional Benefits of a Six Sigma Certification”